Friday, May 19, 2023


I was re-reading some parts of Zarathustra. Try as I might, I simply can't get myself to align with Nietzsche, ever. Like in theory, he talks of personal power and seems to be a parallel to Machiavelli, and he is a very very sharp realist. I admire that, and the depth of his intellect is without question. BUT, the invincible summer in me just rejects his notion of power because it's so much to do with exploitation, ego and disregard for the other. Blind accumulation of power for self ends in the same way for everyone. You become a tyrant, then you die. Someone else always wants it from you. A season for it all. It's not really power either, for I do believe true power comes when people willingly hand it to you, and to paraphrase Aang, "your spirit remains unbendable". I don't know if I'm missing some essential PoV of his though. Could be.

I even understand Machiavelli's point of view, in times of strife and lack of rules, it's the best description of an optimized way to govern. But ugh, Mr. Nietzsche why do you always disregard the power in protectiveness and goodness? Do you not see them as the essential ingredients in courage? At the end of the day, tyranny is easy, and the choice of the fearful. There is no courage in that.

Sometimes I feel like all these philosophers were so immersed in the affairs of men that they completely disregarded women and the point of view that they could bring. 

Or maybe I'm just a Kierkegaard girl through and through. I truly think if there is any happiness to be found, it's in taking a leap of faith and knowing you either grow wings during that time or trusting you'll learn how to survive the fall. Either/Or. 

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