Monday, May 8, 2023

Memories made of Clay

I was watching some of the clay tourney highlights today. So many new players on the circuit, and yet it doesn't feel the same without Rafa. Clay holds such a special spot in my heart when it comes to tennis. When I first started watching by myself, RG 2004 finals was the most excited I had ever been for any match I had seen in my short few years. P was a huge fan of Coria back then (deffo in part cuz he was hot). He happened to be on fire that tourney and almost everyone thought it was a given that he would win. The day of the match, I had this huge intuition that I need to root for Gaudio. I don't even know why, but something had a hold on me that was quite inexplicable at the time. As the match went on, coria was two sets up and I was so on edge and yet some voice inside kept saying hold on. I'm glad I listened to it, cuz what happened next was simply insaane. The comeback in the next three sets and the subsequent win that Gaudio pulled out of his hat was one of the best and most memorable victories I've ever seen. The specialness of that moment quite frankly astounding to me, and it was also one of those moments that I leaned into my intuition 100%. 

Over the years, I've gotten better at understanding the game and my intuition has been replaced more or less by trying to analyse whatever data I see in front of me. It's kinda become a game of sorts to see if I can accurately churn that data in my mind and predict the outcomes. Fine-tuning this has become a nice passtime. It's also nice to discuss tennis once in a while, although I barely know anyone who actually likes and follows the sport beyond casual viewing. Except one person ofcourse. Wish I knew him better though, he seems to know a lot about a bunch of stuff, so it would be fun to talk about it all. Plus he seems like a sweetheart, although I sense he does his best to hide that fact lol. Too bad we don't even have each others' numbers ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

I also wish more women were into sports, it's always been a pet peeve of mine that very few have a passion for it. I think only M watches but she only sees GS and barely knows anything beyond the Big 3. Which is fine, but it doesn't lead to much conversation about it. And very few guys watch either, most just like football and cricket I guess. In a way that's okay too, idk why but guys just haaave this giant urge to explain every sport the minute you mention you like it. Won't even wait to find out if you actually know anything, just straight up explain the basics like you are a total noob, then get salty when you display any amount of competence lol. So many times in my life I've had to pretend to not know something or give people an out in order to avoid bruising their ego. Sad that these are more or less the buckets most people fall into. 

Come to think of it, I know two women who are married to tier 1 athletes, and I'm pretty sure one of them has no clue about the sport either. The other one has no choice, her husband is literally a GOAT and it would be shameful if she didn't. She is a baller herself, so I'm sure she is very clued in. B's wife on the other hand deffo wouldn't know lol. I remember her from back in school days, she had zero interest in tennis. Ironic, given who she married(I'm still shocked that she chose to get married so young, but to each their own). Oooh I also recall how crazy B used to be back then lmao. I used to think he was a total fuckboi from all the stories that were doing the rounds. The time he tried to threaten the college boys and told them to stay away from her haha. It's really nice to see the man he has become now though. To be competent and play at the highest level into your 40's, and having that drive is something I respect so much. I'm sure it's not the easiest thing in the world, and after achieving as much as he has, anyone would understand if he chose to retire. Plus being the rich kid he has always been, he could have easily gone on to enjoy his pork and drinks, in keeping with Coorgi boy traditions. Yet the man plays and plays well, salute to that. Hope he continues and wins lots for years to come. People like him are inspiring. 

All this makes me realise how many things have occurred and how many varied people I've actually known over the years. Interesting. 

Reminiscing is fun. 

Edit: of all the coincidences, I just came across the 2005 Nadal v Coria Rome highlights, Coria was such a beast! ♥️ And baby Nadal in those white 3/4ths omg. It was this match after which I knew Nadal had arrived and he went on to win his first ever RG later that month. Fuuuuck!! Birth of an absolute champ. 
I used to have paper cut outs of these two on my bulletin board. Need them back up there. Hope Rafa recovers soon, much love!

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