Friday, May 19, 2023

A big wild kitty with stripes

Really restless this eve so here goes another bit of thought collection.

I ended up missing most of chess today and halfway down the day I realised I really like talking to M so much. He was winding up by the time I logged on, and a little part of me was like "ohh maaan" lol.

Idk why but I keep sensing that a very sweet, shy person lurks underneath all that aggression. I'm not actually sure about the shy part, but I deffo think he is waaay nicer than he lets people know. (Still remember that backstreet boys song he played lmao, it was the first thing that actually captured my attention.) Weird are the things that fascinate me, but these little little things are what make someone so endearing in my books. 

I actually wanna ask him so many many questions. Bet he will think I'm a total lunatic if I bombard him with all of them one shot. Hahaaha. That might be funny though. Just send a questionnaire with a request that it's answered diligently and elaborately. Dammit I want to try it, just to see what will happen. Must stop self. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ 

Ugh, I just haaaaate these stupid protocols and how you have to be polite and have a nonchalant face and alllll those stupid bells and whistles and hoops you have to adhere to because the world says so and it's the norm. Why can't people just trust and share, why is adulting so filled with rules?! 

Long back a friend had told me it takes atleast 6 months to get to know someone and trust them like wtf, 3 days is all you need imo 🙄

Anyway fiiiine, I'll act like a normie. BooOooring!

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