Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Finally went for a drive with Meg this weekend, it felt soooo liberating. One of the few mornings I didn't totally hate the stupid sun waking me up at an ungodly hour by shining through that window I can't reach. Laments in shortness. :( 

I love open roads and blue skies so much. That feeling of going somewhere but not having a destination, seeing boulders and hilly terrains, laughing about the silliest things and having her blunt comments ruining songs I love with perspective I haven't thought of. Suuuch a nice combo of peace. 

Long back I wondered if I was doing the right thing in seperating from my older circle of friends and if I'll backslide, but this weekend I realised how much better my life has been these past few years. I like the calmness and the sense of trust I have with the 4 people I do know. I hope I'm able to keep that balance from here on out. 

So here's to more pretty drives, and also to trying to make my fortnightly wine into a monthly wine from now on. Hate the latter lmao, but I'll do it. Wisdomous people ruining my one guilty pleasure, and they don't even know it. I'd say cheers but now I shouldn't. 💀

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