Saturday, May 6, 2023


Most women I know don't want kids anymore. Almost all my friends are against the idea except for maybe a couple. Interesting. The world seems to be going childfree and yet the idea of a nice happy family kinda appeals to me. I've always liked those bratty kids that Lynette had, with their constant pranks and tendency to harass every adult in sight.

I guess if I find the right kind of partner who also wants the same, it would be nice to have kids. Not set on it, but not against it either. Plus you can spoil the fuck out of them lol. Somehow I have a feeling I'll be the kind of person who would want to make sure that no other woman is good enough for the men in my life except me. Can't even pretend to be ashamed of this. 

Suck it, ladies! ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ

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