Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Raves - update

For once, I feel like a total boomer. Raves was pinging me today, telling me about how down he feels and how his gf and he were having issues. Last time we spoke, he was talking about them exploring sex clubs and couple dates so I was somewhat surprised. When I asked why, he said she wants things to be more solid between them but he is confused cuz she says that but also wanted to talk to other couples and went out on a 'friend date' with some dude. Istg my mind was like " umm whaaat ". And then he goes ... Which I don't mind but she had indicated that she didn't want to up until she actually went. And she happens to be a psychologist, which is just chef's kiss imo. I can't tell you how hard I was rolling my eyes by then. 

Ordinarily, I try to be as non judgemental as possible and I understand people wanting to explore their lives etc. But this time all I could think of was " wow, people really enjoy fucking their own lives up so much. " Like how do you have time to be this self indulgent and at the same time be this non self aware? He said he doesn't mind it but he feels bad that there weren't clear communication lines. 🤦‍♀️

I, like many before me, just do not understand the younger gen sometimes lol. Clear communication my ass. How tf do you sit around waiting for your partner to get back from their date? Unreal. Anyway, I didn't say any of that, but let's just say I'm glad he didn't know my expressions during that entire convo.

I feel like sometimes people just end up dating people they aren't compatible with because it's an alternative to feeling lonely. That's understandable, but is it really worth this much hassle? I don't know. Like I miss being in a relationship, but the part I miss is being cared for by someone and being able to rely on them. It's actually been a long time since I felt that feeling of someone just cocooning me, and it's definitely  the one thing that will make me want to commit if I find it. If I were to be honest, I am starting to wish that the right kind of relationship just falls into my lap now. I know I'd love to get married and have a family of my own. But I don't think I can do meaningless stuff anymore, especially stuff like this gen z bs.What raves has sounds like a living nightmare to me. All this talk of 'figuring things out' with each other just sounds so hollow and like dancing around reality. Lmao again my eyes are starting to roll. I actually don't have a shred of sympathy here. So yeah, sounds like my boomer transition is complete cuz I'm officially experiencing a total and utter rejection of all the dating premises of the younglings now. Idiots.

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