Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Need something PG 13 and wholesome to remove this bad taste that is still lingering. 

Saw a snippet of an old interview of AK where he talked about how directors who can't capture emotions and nuance often end up using sex and violence as they are the easiest ways of baiting an audience into a reaction. Makes so much sense. Every poorly directed action movie has elements of both, all covered in a slick package.

Which reminds me of another snippet of a  lecture series I'd once checked out, and the topic was about refined minds will always choose higher order pleasures and therefore a Shakespeare or a Bach will always outrank any popular lit and music, while the latter may have the quality of junk food. At the time, I had wondered if it was a sustainable idea or simply one that sounds superior so everyone just agrees to it. But I'm starting to appreciate the depth of that thought, albeit slowly.

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