Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Back in 2017, I had written a tiny piece in which I wanted to capture how I'd like someone to see me. It was the first time I tried to imagine how I'd like to be loved, and what an idea of a happy place could be and how I'd like to be seen by someone's eyes. Up until then I would always assume I had to earn someone's love and I guess I wanted to try and break the wheel on it somewhat. So this little thing was my way of reminding myself of some things that are best left unarticulated. Looking at it again, there's not much I'd change even now, it's a sunlit slice of perfection for me. 


"Listen to me girl, life is not a game"
She peeks from behind the curtain, little curls framing her face
Trying her hardest, not to give her presence away

He looks at her and smiles, unaware now
How did he get here, when did he start to belong?

The door bell rings 
squealing she runs out,

she needs to be the one
to always open the door,

to her it's not a chore

Ecstatic she runs,

into the waiting arms

of the one so like her, 

only old

Turning around he sees

A little way by his bedside, on a dimly lit table top
a picture of him and her; dancing to some song

was it their favorite one or was it 80's pop?

Those were the days, the madcap times
he used to chase her around the room

trying to reach into the lightness, her brightness

she was, she is;

precious as precious can be

The little one enters,

flushed with laughter, 

pulling her lookalike along

His heart starts to leap 

like a thousand happy, jumpy frogs

How did they get here, when did they start to belong?

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