Monday, June 19, 2023


Fuck my life that narc is texting me again!! Mofo with the " hey you what's up?". So nonchalantly as if I hadn't blocked him on every piece of shit network I possibly could! God, just leave me the fuck alone already, haven't spoken to you for three years did you honestly think I want to now? Unreal. 

Of all the people I've met, this dude legit is a certifiable narcissist. I single-handedly ditched an entire friend circle to escape his toxicity, I can't deal with this shit again. Argh!! 

I wonder what's the line between hypersensitivity, self obsession and actual narcissism. I feel like I know a few people in the former category even now, but for the love of god I don't think I can stomach another person with this actual disorder. 

Why can't I just be with someone nice who actually cares about me?! Fuuuck. I'm so sick of all this running away from people. Just want something good for once. :(

Aaaaaaa. So fucking annoyed. 

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