Saturday, June 24, 2023


L pinged today, demanding to know why I haven't been in touch. The audacity. Cuz you keep backstabbing everyone, lady. Such an egoistic, self obsessed way of talking. 

I can't believe the kind of people I used to be friends with, like seriously. I think I was so used to making an effort for people that they just took me for granted most times. Guess I learnt the value of reciprocity very late in life. But it's a good metric to judge intent. If someone isn't meeting you half way or generally just relies on you to put in the effort, then it's best to hold back from them. I hate having to consciously do that though, it feels like you are playing games with people, something I hate to do. Just keep it simple, guys. It's not that hard. Be nice, show you care, take an interest in others' lives and things will be smooth. Funny how the basics are like rocket science to some folks. Then again, took me forever to learn the basics as well so who am I to chide others. Sheesh. 

Glad you are out of mine for good L, wish I hadn't wasted as much time on you as I did. 

Whatever, I'm going try and get some sleep! Was up all night for no reason and now I'm cranky asf. Goodnight world!

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