Monday, June 26, 2023

Cherry cherry cherry on 🔝

I played M in a game today, was sooo nice. He went so easy on me and I lost ofcourse but was epic fun. Guess he isn't mad about me raging last night haha. Good. It's hard to gauge reactions just over text, or even intent tbh. So idk how much of what I say gets translated as what. Oh well, better he learn to deal with it now itself lol. There's many things I can change about myself but worrying about someone and subsequently annoying them about it doesn't seem to be one of them. Too bad M, and good luck. ^⁠_⁠^ ( I'm not even ashamed of saying this )

Idk why but I suddenly realised today that underneath the rage monster he claims to be, he is a total softie. I'm sure he tries to hide that side lots. I think his semi trash talk made me realise it, he kept it so sweet and funny, I basically melted. 

Hmmm..I'd actually like to hear him go hard with the trash talk with some strong opponents, that would be very, very interesting. 

Come to think of it, even I'd love to take him on in a battle of wits, I'm dying to probe how well he holds his ground lol. Not in a serious way, cuz I know he would DIE if thought he was being actually challenged, and lord help us if he thought he was losing lmao. Fuck hahahah. He would just get sooooo obscenely competitive. Every fibre in his being would get dug in at the thought. :⁠-⁠D. It would be hard to get along if that happened. I don't think he knows how competitive I can be, and yeah, you can't peacefully coexist if you turn things into a win- lose scenario. However, I doo want just a teeny bit of verbal jousting to know what mischief he hides up those sleeves. I bet there's some fun stuff there, but I guess not in front of other people. You gotta be on your best behaviour in front of them, sadly. I wanna talk to him and hear it 1:1, without those stupid public facades. It's a bit irritating to have to be semi formal in front of other people, but I guess it's a necessity. So fine, whatever.

All in all, a fairly interesting day - today. May there be mo mo moooohh! 

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