Sunday, June 25, 2023


The trash tv with some epic music. I love these two, reminds me of the dingy pubs at 18, getting high and making out. The taste of a lover's tongue on mine, mixed with beer and the scent of smoke, his hand travelling up my spine.

The memory of the lover is faint, but I remember these moments. It was the first time I realised I loved the feel of a strong hand cradling me. Guess that's why I have a thing for hands, the strong ones make me feel safe and protected, and I feel free to open up and share sides of me that very few have been privvy to. 

Mockingbird - Barclays James Harvest

But the times I fell in love...I think I always heard Sting, cuz I wanted them to know the shape of my heart and by myself...walk in fields of gold. 💞

Being young and heady had its perks

Funny, there's a song I can think of that makes me think of you too, but I'm too much of a wuss to ever share that with you. Plus who knows, maybe I'm just not sweet enough to do so lol ;)

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