Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Yesterday was fun. Lots of tennis talk, lots of technicalities discussed. Quite enjoyed that. There's so many new ways to teach beginners stuff now. I used to always believe in a natural gameplay whether it was tennis or basketball. Like get your eye on the ball and the body will follow the movement it needs to. I must have overestimated it lol. My tennis coach when I started used to keep telling me I don't complete the swing and stubborn child that I was, I kept thinking it's okay not to since I could anyway have power in my shots. But now I understand so much better. Thank fuck humility is a skill I've learnt to cultivate. 

I loved M yesterday, so in his element. I wish more people were interested in learning, the quality of stuff he could do would be so much higher if they wanted it so. Even the discussions. There are times when the more diverse ones come around and they discuss art, music, movies or random tidbits. Or the stupidly funny ones with their silly lines, which are enjoyable too. I like all of those parts. The range is great, music always complements. 

I guess the only ones I find depressing is when it's that one guy just talking rubbish, then people piling on to bully him and some random girl explicitly hitting on M, or if we are lucky, a bunch of them. I never get that, how can you be so lame that you feel like you need to throw yourself at him so openly. I wonder if he finds it flattering. He might, boys will be boys lol. I guess my meter is more "if a guy said this to a girl" and the minute you reverse the gender it looks so cheap. I remember when the mang dude was dming. He ended up telling me things like I want you tied up etc, and all of it was said as a joke in the same way. But when you read it back later, it sounds so tacky. Lol, maybe everyone just does that from the get go idk. I'm a very sexual person too, but showing it to the world like some cheap wares you are hawking is yuk. Glad he stopped doing it with me, unlike boys, I don't actually find all this flattering in the least. 

Oh well screw that line of thought. Back to quality lol. Hope the frequency of M being able to talk about stuff he is passionate about goes up. I can tell there's an avid researcher in him that likes to deep dive into topics that interest him, but I don't think he gets to actually discuss all of it at length. Wonder if he likes debating. Haha...but knowing him...he wouldn't indulge in a discussion or a debate unless he felt he knew as much or more than the other person lol. And he will definitely gun for more, cuz so competitive. I do hope he gets a few more of the followers who enjoy diversity in their conversations and interests. Would definitely level up the experience for him and the rest. But then I'll end up spending so much time holy cow 😅. Felt so tired at night cuz I spent the entire day since 6am in front of the monitor. 

Aaand I realise now it's time to get out of bed. Okay laterzzz!

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