Sunday, June 11, 2023


It's just so nice to see some cold rain sometimes. Even when it foils your plans for a nice outdoor workout haha. I like the smell of hot coffee mingling with the smell of rain, people hurrying about to get to where they want to. Feels peaceful to be the observer.

I wish the world had kinder people, I know it's foolish and naive to wish for something like that when every evidence points to the opposite. But parts of me can't help but wish for it. I used to be an extrovert and I used to genuinely love people. Not for company, but just their character and traits that fascinated me. I viewed them as a palette of colours and it made me so curious to know which shade is dominant in whom and which shades they choose to share with me. I liked the innocence of assuming everyone was fundamentally good. Life has cured me of that level of optimism lol, but I guess I'd atleast settle for halfway decent. How tragic.

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