Thursday, June 15, 2023

Naps of wisdom

Nothing like a 40 min snooze to feel nice. I finally ended up saying hello earlier in the day, as soon as I woke up, which was early as hell tbh. Actually missed him. Told him that too, just wrapped as a joke because idk I'm a bit of a dodo like that. But yeah, I did miss. I'm not gonna ask myself why, I'm just gonna go with it. 

I realised while texting today that I actually look forward to getting a message replied to right as I am waking up, or right as work wraps up for him, it's kinda cute as hell. Just enjoy being in bed and seeing that name pop up with a scantily worded message. So gruff all the time, like a grumpy teddy bear. Imma keep count and see how many words average over a sentence from now haha. These stupid tiny things make me smile. 

Wish you'd realise it's time you took a bit more initiative too, little grumpster teddy. I feel like you are a bit scared of me sometimes, although can't imagine why. I'm actually one of the good ones, but yeah trusting that about anyone implicitly is hard. Still, wouldn't kill you to start little by little, I have a feeling you want to, or maybe I'm projecting and it's me who wants to lol.

And I can't stress this enough...You better fucking not prove me wrong. ðŸĪš

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