Friday, June 16, 2023

Godel, Escher, Bach

Quarter way through this book, what an interesting concept. I had no idea about the underlying musical concepts of classical music, this stuff is so interesting. I guess I'm finally starting to appreciate stuff for their complexity, even if I struggle with it from time to time. Can't say Bach is my favourite because he doesn't hit me in the feels the way a Rachmaninoff does, but something about the intersection of math and music really makes me wonder about the genius of the minds that come up with it. I find the same layers in some art as well, especially in Van Gogh. I think I love him best because I interpret his lens as one of compassion and observation. The colours he chooses are always equal parts soothing and yearning, but not necessarily happy. It's like he captures the transient essence of the ordinary and wishes to be a part of it but doesn't see himself as a belonger. Then again, it might just be my projection. After all, an interpretation probably tells you more about the interpreter than it does the object. But my goodness, Gogh truly has my heart. And Escher quite possibly my mind. Love!

There's so much to learn out there, a lifetime is just not enough. 

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