Saturday, June 17, 2023


Hanging out with M and C tonight, seeing them both after ages. Hope C is a bit less argumentative than he was last time omg. It's sometimes so tough to navigate equations with your friends' partners. I'm glad he dotes on her though, just seeing how nice he is to her atleast makes me want to make the effort to get along and be tempered. I don't think I would find it in me to do so otherwise, seeing as I hate people who try to draw you into pointless debates where they get dug in while being wrong about everything. Fuck idk why that trait gets to me so much but I end up being so blunt and then the other person hates me cuz they can't admit they were wrong. Howwww can you be so stupidly egoistic ffs? And the constant "see I told you, I knew this, I knew that". What is this urge to keep underlining that, and the moronic assumption that you said something others didn't already know? Aaaaaaa! 

Okay I got that out of my system whew lol. Now I can go be nice and polite. Peace! 

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