Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Summer of Synth

Ever since I found it, I've loved synthwave. It reminds me of grainy ol Dangerous Dave and Space Jump and spending summers trying to make that one final jump, trying to land that one weird airship on random asteroids.

I heard some video game music today and it just ignited this memory. ♥️ Fighting with bro and friends for my turn on the console and whining lots when they didn't let me hog it. Simple times, possibly some of the best. 

Listening to: Last Train - The Midnight

There is a song, singin' in the darkDon't get too close, it'll tear you apartThere is a reason for every season of the heart! 

Half in light, half in dark.
Is where start
Half in light, half in dark
Is where we are

Also, how gorgeous were the 80s? The one decade I wish I had lived through. 90s weren't so bad but the 80s just seem so so magical to me. Envy those who did. 

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