Wednesday, June 28, 2023


I found something out about C and told M. Damn. I'm so sorry but fuck. I don't know what she will do now. I just feel really bad about it. It's like just when life seemed to be sorting itself out it does this weird thing. I'm sure she feels very betrayed. 

Ugh. Why can't either of us find trustworthy people this is so fucked up! Made me realise even I'm taking too many things for granted about people. :( It's so weird when someone doesn't share a thing about themselves even when they know you. Idk man, I can't do this distrust thing again. And I hope whatever it is, she figures it out too. Just wish she didn't have to deal with it fuck fuck fuck. :(

I really need life to streamline itself one way or another for both of us, I'm tired of second guessing. 

Why the fuck are people so goddamn secretive and complicated like sheesh just have the courage to be open and direct, ffs! Can't be that hard unless ofcourse you are a wuss of the highest order!

Aaaaa. Feel like yelling at someone. 

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