Monday, June 5, 2023


I was going through some old pics, especially from school times and I realised I've known so many people who were champs in their profession over the years. A, who is married to K now - quite possibly the biggest brand name in our country today, P - the billiards  prodigy, N with her swimming and D who was top ten in squash. And yet, I always just accepted them as folks on the periphery of my life without giving a fuck about wanting to know them cuz I never felt a connect to them. 

I kinda like how much of a sorted kid I used to be, and how I don't actually have any desire to know anyone unless they pique my interest, a feeling that lasts to this day. Idk if that was part arrogance back then, and my tendency to dismiss everyone that I simply don't find interesting, but I do like that I can look at people directly without filters or intimidation or any lens other than a direct one. Good shit.

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