Monday, June 12, 2023


Istg if I didn't have workouts, I'd be going absolutely nuts. The amount of difference it makes in my day is unreal. I moped around so much since morning and now that I feel better half the day seems like a haze. Barely slept last night too, just got up in the middle and played games. Forgot to eat till 4 pm and just had coffee. Tf am I doing? 

Sometimes I wish I wasn't as sensitive as I am too. I retreat so much the minute my feelings are stung, just immediately go back in my shell and don't engage. Maybe it's better this way though, atleast noone then knows they hurt me. I've always found life to be simpler when I don't have to share how I feel and risk people not giving a fuck. Funny thing is, a bunch of people I know have always prided themselves on having insight into others, and yet not a single one has ever been able to guage how I feel. Even M says she can't tell when I'm offended and she probably knows me best. Am I just that good at hiding? Lol, could be. Lifetime of practice gotta count for something, amirite? :D 

Oh baby, baby I gotta really practice more self care.

Maybe watch some reruns of The Inbetweeners. Hopefully will help break me out of this stupid funk. 

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