Saturday, September 30, 2023

Franny and Zooey

"I'm sick of just liking people. I wish to God I could meet somebody I could respect."

"I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody."

"I’m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else’s. I’m sick of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be somebody interesting. It’s disgusting."

"And I can't be running back and fourth forever between grief and high delight."

When I first read this book, I was all of 17?! Somewhere around that. And none of it made sense to me. I was just like why tf is she complaining so much, how fucking self indulgent. I got back to it at around 19 and it kiiinda made sense to me but not quite. Years later, every second word makes sense. Perspective, really gets you good. The kicker? I suppose I'm being self indulgent too. Except this time it's out of sheer exasperation. But self indulgence nonetheless na? Lol. Whiny like the protagonist. 

What can I even say? 

Bleh, also need to find some yoga and stretching exercises for myself. Atleast gotta take care of the necessary before washing away in a sea of irritation. Hmm. I think I'll ask Raves for some recos maybe, he works out lots so he would have some recommendations.  

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