Monday, September 4, 2023

Childhood Nostalgia

I miss being a kid. I miss the freedom of it all, the fact that there were no layers or manipulations and people were just who they were, no sneakiness or minimal sneakiness, being boisterous, loud, running around, someone always made food at home so you didn't have to do a thing except figure out when to meet friends. My earliest memories are of wanting and making new friends and loving them lots. I still remember all the kids I met when dad was in Rajasthan, Akriti - who I thought looked like an angel. Purnima, who was my bff. Kartik and Pratap, who I once kneed in the nuts by mistake while playing football with him lmao. I vividly recall hating how squishy that felt hahhahaha. Yuuuuck. Omg and when Orkut was a thing Kartik reconnected with me and wrote me such nice testimonials. And Timmy, or Tommy. One was a person the other was his dog but I forget who was who now. His mom was such a bully. She made some scones and I hated them and she made me sit at the table until I ate it and I refused so we just had a standoff. Lmao finally I fed them to Timmy/Tommy while she wasn't looking. And she had the audacity to complain to my mom that I was not eating. Fuck you lady, your eggy scones were repulsive. πŸ€’πŸ–•πŸΌ

I spent so much time in my garden, climbing that tree I loved. Kept trying to befriend squirrels cuz I thought it would be cool to have a pet squirrel that I can carry around on my shoulder. My young heart really wanted the validation of an animal's loyalty to me lol. 

Ooohhh and I remember my bigtime business plan from then. Pooja, Suruchi and I were a gang and P used to get pocket money. Lmao and I convinced them we will buy knick knacks for ten bucks and sell them door to door for half off. Hahahhaha. Managed 2-3 sales and then I had the audacity to tell them both since it's my idea I get 50% of the profit while you guys split the rest. Happily made off with 2 bucks and they had one buck each. 🀣🀣. Then P's mom came to complain to mine and I had to give back my hard earned money. :( Adults are total assholes. But damn, I used to have so many random business ideas at the time. I was v inspired by all the Blytons I used to read. I remember the lending library I created and charged people to check out books. Noone fucking paid. And the puppies we rescued who lived with me and then one of them ate a sparrow while I was screaming at him to stop. That was a nightmare alright, stupid Tubby. He also ate all his sibling's food and became fat asf. 

I was also super forgetful, when mum gave me money for the class picture I kept it in my book then gave the book to my teacher for correction  and forgot. And I was so terrified of being scolded by my mom, I just lied and said I gave it to the teacher. Which was true, now that I think of it. Man, I was just petrified of my mom. Luckily my teacher found it so no harm lol. 

A lot of these random hijinks were sooo fun. I really miss that time. I think the happiest I've ever been in life was before teenage came around. Like legit. After that it was all angst and hedonism and idk a cycle of fixing what's broken. 

But meh, fuck it. I'll just go back to the start. 

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