Thursday, September 28, 2023

Light up

Reading Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid. There's such nice everyday humor in it, the writing style is warm and sunshiny. When he talks about the 50s and 60s with all the new inventions and the middle class having access to them, it gives me a sense of wonderment and nostalgia for a time I wasn't even alive in. I've often thought about 70s and 80s being the cool decades but never stopped to think of the ones prior. 

Like how amazing would it have been to be there to witness the birth of a light bulb. Having electricity at night, hearing a human voice over a radio, seeing television for the first time. Fuck. Even a telephone. Aeroplanes. 

The world is so oversaturated now and the inventions are so deep that only subject matter knowledge is what will help discern the wow factors. Hmmm. I think I've discovered a more layered meaning behind the phrase "ignorance is bliss". People have the audacity to scoff at elon's last space shuttle launch like it isn't quite literally one of the most insane pieces of engineering out there. I remember how much the media pushed the narrative of it being a failure when it was anything but. So damn crazy. Just blew my mind at how easily people adapt to new tech to consider it commonplace, when there's quite literally a teeny chunk of population that actually has the skill set to make it happen. Hmmm. 

One of the things I feel would be extremely profound would be space travel, whenever that happens. I've often fantasized about the overview effect and in some small way I understand what it tries to convey. But to actually witness it. Omg. I think my heart would break and heal in the same instant. 

Oh man, and then imagine it becoming commonplace and people complaining about wait times and slow flights. πŸ’€

Seeing the earthrise same as sunrise and dismissing it. Lmao. I bet that would happen. 

Ugh. Okay I'll go read more. 

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