Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tact intact

So many fake nails lol. Why? People have so much patience for so many unnecessary things. Le mind boggles.

Aaaand I didn't drink tonight. Averaging maybe once in two months, which is a decent space.  I like how hard it is for me to break a resolve once I make it. Maybe should make more. Goody! 

Aaaaand someone told me they think I'm very tactful and know when to speak and when to hold back. Lol, if I had a tail, it would have wagged hard at that for sure. An ex mentor had said the same thing to me few years back too. Always found it surprising but I guess it's true. I'm blunt one on one, but in public settings I'm very careful of not showing any cards. I like that about myself.  I think this tiny anonymous internet space is the only place where I pour my heart out, helps me ground myself and be honest and clear. Funny, it actually contains more than a decade of my life and thoughts and things I've seldom allowed anyone to be privvy to. I'd like to be able to share it with someone someday though, that would be nice. Oooh and I just noticed a little bit of symmetry. I first wrote a post in 2013 and it was just the one. And it's 2023 now and I have 365 this year so far. 

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