Sunday, September 3, 2023

Following up

Soooo... Hmm. Been thinking about the detective character a lil bit. I think I want to make her relatable but not in a Hercule Poirot kinda caricaturish way. An everyday person maybe? Mid 30s? Or maybe even 40s? Actually 40s seems better, I can add a layer of life experience in her. A background that justifies a keen analytical mind plus people skills. More business less corporate though. Maybe retail? But that won't have a hook in our context. And it has to be a setting where she interacts with both genders... Oooh how about an admin? Or an HR? God I hate hrs, so not that. But hey admin works. Generally overlooked, people have conversations around them, and they are kind of written off in the corporate community in a way. So that works for the silent observer kinda play. Yes. I think that is it. And I think I'd want to start her off with the first mystery on a holiday. Maybe two kids too? And an everyday kinda husband? Kids can be funny and curious and in general add a layer of wholesomeness + chaos. Usually mothers with kids get overlooked as well, so that works too. Yeah, I want that element badly, someone you don't expect could have a lot of intelligence. I want to give her no pretences, no trying to lose weight or be cool kinda energy, but instead more matter of fact and real. I definitely want the husband to dote on her, because husbands should always dote on their wives lol. And a bit of sweet romance here and there, not as a highlight but as a more character layering kinda way. And she does need an identifier. Interesting. Hmmm. I'll have to think of this more. If I make her quick witted, it'll end up looking like she is clever, so I'll give that trait to one of her kids. Maybe the daughter. Lol. Cuz the daughter I can write as myself, self buttering. Okay fair that's cool, who will know anyway? People always assume you write yourself as the main character. 

Coming to plot, I think I'll need to create the characters they can meet on vacay so a mix of tourists and locals. But if I turn this into a murder mystery, how does a regular everyday person not just freak out seeing it? You would need to be a little more matter of fact right? Crap... Lol, first hurdle. Okay let me try to create the plot first, atleast a wireframe so I can see what makes logical sense. Hmmm. 

Length wise, I want to keep this at 50-60k words max, that's 200-240 pages. I don't think it will be fun to read something too verbose, so this should be it. 

Alrighty, let's do this. 

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