Friday, September 29, 2023


Maybe the fact that one of my parents has such strong narcissistic tendencies is the very reason why I am so self sufficient. It's interesting - the more observant I've become - the easier it got to deal and separate myself from this influence. I don't feel powerless anymore, on the contrary I feel perfectly fine and centered and capable. 

I'm glad. I've worked really hard to change the narrative and determine what I need, want and deserve in life. And I won't compromise on that front.  For once, I can say that honestly and know that it'll hold true from now onwards.

Plus you know what? I trust myself to make the right choices when push comes to shove. I've always had the strength to have people's backs when they needed me to and I've also had the strength to have my own when that was needed for me as well. So I know I'll be fine. 

Yay, go me! πŸ’ͺ🏼

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