Friday, August 19, 2016

Diary Posting Challenge - Day 1

Doing this with L, starting today. The point is to be honest in these answers as well. So I'm gonna try my best. 


Weird things I do when I am alone.

I have to think a lot about this one, coz most things I do seem normal to me.

But I'll take a shot at it:

1.Pretend I am a singer and sing along to a bunch of songs like I have an audience of 30000.
This is definitely my favourite activity. In fact, I'd totally have chosen singing as a profession, if I had a good voice. :)  I remember doing this as a kid also, listening to Britney Spears and pretending to be her. 

2.Sleep/Lounge around in just a T-shirt / skimpy dress / minimal attire or forgo clothes entirely. Lingerie is a no no
I'm guessing this is a pretty common occurrence. Deep down, I sincerely believe, we are all nudists.

3.Read People Magazine until I drown in guilt about the wasted time / intellectual void I have fallen into.
Like I just soak up information about all the random goss that's flying about. 

4.Watch some terrible chick flick and cry during the emo bits.
Well, it needn't be a chick flick necessarily. I can pretty much weep in any movie. Probably one of the reasons I prefer watching superhero flicks at theaters. Noone will catch me weeping there.

5. Weave weird story bits/wishful thoughts together. For eg: What if I were a character in some anime, or travelling through space, or in the past. Endless possibilities and wishes. 

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