Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 6 - The person you like and why you like them

Like? Or Like-Like?
As I am not sure, I am going to assume it's the former.
I like my new friend M, since she is fun, a bit irresponsible and fairly grown up. M has too many adorable traits. I like that she is tiny, like a little grinning imp that's up for cheap jokes and silly innuendos. She seems fairly honest and up front. When she is upset, I can see her slow decline into insanity. And she will Make You Deal with it as well, only to laugh later on.

On a deeper level, I like that despite being a rich kid, she is very down to earth and treats everyone with respect. It's one of her best qualities. She is also easy going and we can sit and talk and laugh for hours together! I actually miss her if she comes to office late coz then I have no one to trouble.
I also like that she is fairly sorted in her head. Her reasoning for things she says and does is quite spot on. It's a refreshing change from the type of people I was used to. 

So yeah,  I find her quite entertaining and fun, and am glad I got a chance to get to know her.

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