Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 5 - 5 things that irritate me about the opposite sex/same sex

1. Hypocrisy. 
I mean, I can kinda sorta make do with the type where the person is unaware of it and it's for some really stupid things. But I hate the type where you sit around in judgment of others and stigmatise certain acts like sex, dating, life choices etc.

2. Not answering messages on time.
Like come on, I know you read it. Wtf just answer it. Don't wait 3-4 days to get back to me. *eyeroll*

3. Not being direct.
I am a literal person, I cannot deal with hints and innuendos and sly sliding away tactics. Urgh. Come to the point please people. 😑
4. Fighting dirty and holding grudges.
I dislike it when someone brings up some random thing from the past into a fight in the present. I also hate irrational temper tantrums and people who keep a ledger full of others' mistakes. Like learn to let go and move on! 

5. Being petty and mean.
I find meanness and pettiness to be traits of the unevolved. Like I feel these people would follow Kim Kardashian on Instagram, bitch about their friends, and be generally unpleasant to be around. People who pick on others and act superior should slip on a banana peel everyday. Just because.

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