Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"I like...

...fooling around with words." - This was a title for an article about David Duchovny. I love the implication of that sentence. It reminds me of Californication and the wonderful, wonnnnderful writing that show had! Sleaze aside, Duchovny's character was so damn charming!

It made me think of modern romances, and romances in the years to come. How they would pan out?
Where would they be set? How would people communicate? Long sentences or Lyk Ths? Would it be the glory of one person or the fleeting excitement of multiple? Would it have the same charm of the olden days? Or will it be rush rush rush?

Things move so fast these days, it feels like everything is blink and miss. Something about a slower pace of life, which lets you savour and delve and deep dive into interactions, is a thing I miss. :(  
Because, I too wanna fool around with words. I wanna make mine long and entertaining and peppered with innuendos and mischief and hidden meaning. :) 
*Rainy day meanderings* 

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