Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 12 - Things you want to say to an ex

The answer to this might vary in the future, given the conversations we end up having, but right now these are few things I'd like to say to him now:

1. You kept me confused and second guessing for almost the entire time that I knew you. I think I did the same to you. And I'd like to apologise for that. It wasn't that I didn't care, it was that I cared too much. I couldn't come to terms with how much would be at stake for me if I were to admit that. So I'm sorry for all the times I acted like you meant nothing to me. You meant the world. :) 

2. Your presence taught me a lot about love, life and myself.  Even though the situations were conflicting at most times, the end result was that I could see plainly all the areas where I lacked and a lot of my baggage got cleared because of it. Thank you. 

3. Some songs kind of lost their meaning for me, ever since I got over you. That kinda sucks. :D I listen to only happy stuff now.

4. I am glad you are with someone you like. I don't mean that in some altruistic sense, nor was getting here very easy for me. It took me a good three years to be able to feel that. But I am genuinely happy for you now, and I hope you are happy too!

5. I hope that once we are far enough away from the drama, there will come a day when we can laugh about all this and marvel at our silliness. Be able to talk about all this freely, you know?  I feel like as time goes by, all the hurt and stupidity will just fade into the background and we would be free to just be. I look forward to that!

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