Friday, August 19, 2016

Day 3 - What kind of person attracts you?

Hmmm, I think this just might be a long one. :)

People in general fascinate me, so there are a lot of different sorts I get attracted to. I like quiet, shy, clever people, who have a bit of mischief up their sleeve. Shy people always make me wonder why they are so shy, what they are hiding, what makes them tick and lastly, how long before they share that with me. I find the inner worlds of the quiet ones to be so deep, and I can't help but stick around until I am a part of it.

I also like slightly childish and righteous ones. They are too precious. I love seeing them get all outraged at perceived wrongs and I like the steadfastness underneath all that innocence. It makes me feel comfortable and the instinctive trust that you feel around such people is very hard to replicate in others. I feel quite protectively towards them as well, so the equation becomes a bit caretaker-ish in the end.

There is also something quite enticing about brooding, intense people. The conversations are much deeper, and everything has that hazy, seductive edge to it. It's quite magnetic, and time spent with them makes me feel very earthy and slow and purposeful. 

And then there are the ones that can banter really well. I mean, fuck. There is nothing as attractive and awesome as a good banter session. I find that immensely stimulating. I also tend to fall for ones who beat me at this game. I love love love to know that such cleverness and mischief can exist in one person. Given a choice, no matter how flighty they seem, I end up gravitating towards them on pure instinct. 

So yeah, basically I am a sucker for a whole lot of personality types. I have a theory that it's because this way I get to explore different sides of me, I can be so many different people, and feel so many different emotions! :)

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