Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Whew. Juuuust whew. Just taking a moment to breathe. 

Hmmm. Idk if granny is gonna get better. Will go to visit. Man. It'll be so tough to deal. It's been a rough time. 

When people get older and you start losing them it's like a light just goes off in your head. And suddenly I'm so much more aware of the world and how important it is to keep everyone close and how you should let go of petty stuff. I was never really petty but now a part of me is a bit afraid? Hmmm. Idk. I think it's just a bit of awareness. Well, hope for the best. Life does have a lot of stages and one should simply do the best we can. 

I said hello to this one also. Just wanted to say take care etc. Then said bye and I think he also panicked and started that game stuff. Then had to mock scold him also. I can't deal with him melting down on top of all this. He should just decide what he wants man.  Life should have been simple from the start here. All he had to do is just say hey what's up and call and talk and be normal. Not all these tantrums and such. Anyway a guy hiding a woman is simply weird. I can't. And yet I do feel he wants me around too so idk what stops him from just being nice and saying hi once in a while on his own and just talking normally. Strange person, truly.

Okay I don't have room for this, family comes first. Ok. Not going to think of what's not necessary rn. Have to schedule travel and mentally prep to be around the extended family also. Hmmm. Always a joy huh? Lol.

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