Sunday, April 2, 2023

Poetry in words

Vīta brevis,
ars longa,
occāsiō praeceps,
experīmentum perīculōsum,
iūdicium difficile.

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Life is short,
and art long/skillfulness takes time,
opportunity fleeting,
experimentations perilous,
and judgment difficult

I happened to come across this quote in one of the eulogies of Ryuichi Sakamoto, and while listening to one of his songs. Something about it shatters me inside. Atleast a little bit. It's reminding me of that day I did shrooms, and felt like every person in the world has trotted along on the same ground without actually noticing a thing, caged in their own minds. 
I love the translation that says skillfulness takes time. Indeed it does. It takes a lifetime, and even that can be less. But it helps birth something out of you, a baby of toil and trouble and anger that bubbles. 
The fact that Hippocrates said this gives it so many layers in my mind. So few people strive to seek, and fewer succeed. I've often thought that it takes one person in most fields who really dives in deep, and in doing so - pushes the needle of knowledge a fair bit. Maybe it's a cause that's worth dedicating yourself to. Maybe that's why art is important, though intangible. I don't know where I land on this, but I hope I find out someday.

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