Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Was trying to sleep and instead got woken up by a bad dream. I was at some sort of low lying bungalow which has a lot of people chilling in it. It happened to be a workplace of sorts where x worked/lived. I was sauntering around and wondering if I should say hi but instead felt awkward so decided to just chill. I saw a girl in white walk in and she went in the room I assumed was X's bedroom. I didn't want to intrude so decided to go outdoor. Went outside and people were trying to nap in the garden. Suddenly the sky seemed to become dusky and dark and it felt like there's some smoke drifting around. Like maybe a fire was on. I tried to get the people to go inside the house but noone would. Felt like I should leave but instead went inside the house again. A room seemed semi empty and had a computer in it. Thought I'd go watch some vids if nothing else. Went in, and suddenly the computer screen started to freeze and I realised it's actually X's desktop. Got a weird feeling like he would read the absolute worst into this and think I'm prying. I started panicking. Two boys came to the door and asked me what's up and why I was still there. They seemed like they had wrapped up from the night and were looking to head out. I felt really uneasy and X was still not up yet. Started trying to close the windows on the screen but total panic started engulfing me. Like he would arrive any moment and straight up be cold to me and mostly shout at me. At this point I actually just woke up and it took me a minute or two to calm down lol. 

I'm wondering why I felt so afraid of him or why I presume that if I don't behave the way he wants, he would basically be cold to me. Maybe cuz he hasn't actually made an effort to make me feel valued or important, atleast not personally. I also wonder if these are my fears or I'm observing something that I can't define. But it's weird that I'm not at ease and end up thinking that I'm doing something potentially annoying that would make him upset at me. All this makes me think that maybe deep down I feel he wouldn't be understanding towards me or my insecurities. 

Feels like a coin toss sometimes.

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