Thursday, March 10, 2016

Distance and displacement

"We tried a lot. Like a LOT"

"And then?"

"We took a break. Figured if it wasn't happening, we might as well take a breather. Get some distance, might do us good." 

"Did the distance help?"

"Yes, helped us experiment and figure out other things. That helped with the problem indirectly."

"Hmmm. I'm not sure how that happened."

"It's easier to make informed decisions. Informed decisions need information. Ergo, we gathered more. Tried different perspectives."

"That sounds logical. So what's the status now?"

"It's starting to make sense now."

"That's great!"

"Yes, it is! I'm very happy with the way it's panning out."

"I guess now it's a matter of time."

"I guess it always is."


Lane 8 - Undercover <3

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