Thursday, March 17, 2016

A little bit of something

These days, it's becoming harder and harder to stay away from writing something or the other. Even if it is complete nonsense and there is no flow or significance to it. :)
I feel like it has become a form of solace for me. It feels incredible to be able to put down thoughts in the right order and with as much honesty as I can muster. Given all the things that have happened in the past month, turning to paper, or e-paper, as is the case; is the only way I am able to communicate with myself.

I took a day off from work, just to cocoon myself in my house, without the outside world creeping in. Watched Me and Earl and the dying girl just now. It was very touching, and made me cry throughout. So not exactly the best choice of movie. Speaking of which, there seem to be a whole host of coming of age movies being produced these past few years. I should really rake up some more of these to watch, specifically ones that don't make me weepy. :)

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