Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Revisiting Delilah

I feel as if I am searching for something all the time. In books, music, quotes, people, everything. Always in search of that elusive factor that may just change everything, give life perspective and help me weave together a story. Sometimes, well most times, I revisit what has been read, heard, experienced just in case I missed something. It's like the world is your dartboard and you have many many arrows and no real clue where the center is. Maybe its just about taking a circuitous route, only to reach your start point, but this time, with knowledge and perspective.

I've always viewed contentment with slight dislike, since it feels like it sounds the death knell for progress. Maybe I was just afraid that, being a lazy person, it would be very easy for me to fall in the trap of the mundane. I don't know.
Possibly my perception of contentment is/was completely wrong. That it isn't about being idle and letting it be, without having wants or needs. It's the feeling you get when you try your utmost and chase your dreams, goal, what have you. And then you come home after a hard day's work and just be.

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