Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Odd odes

I feel most of what I write, can be plonked into one or two very definitive buckets. Most of what I feel and a reflection of the music I am listening to. Come to think of it, I don't think they are mutually exclusive either. So scratch that, it is just one average sized bucket.

Maybe some part of your brain just ends up syncing with the moods of the sound. Like those few years I was living in seedy bars, playing to an audience that didn't really care. And then I got tired of it, and switched to sold out stadiums, rocking my heart out. But then I thought, hey... Indie baby! Indie is the way to go and found myself an underground label, and planned world domination.
Those were the times!

Which leads me to believe that the reverse is also true. Mood regeneration via the help of music. Pick a feeling and bombard self with music representing the same.

Something to compute when we start manufacturing humans.

Note to self: Using phrases like 'representing the same' is a sure sign of having written one too many corporate e-mails.

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