Monday, October 31, 2022


I wonder what state of mind he lived in. Was he emphathetic to the point of being in pain? Or intelligent to the point of being disillusioned? A mix of both? 
He has such an incisive intellect, and keen observations. A thing I have always wondered about authors like him is whether they are writing who they are in all their books or are they so good at observing people that they can seperate themselves from others and be objective? 
I'm currently reading Notes, and the narrator is so scarily accurate that his doom feels like mine, and so do all his follies. It's so hard to detach from him. Heck, I've taken to making notes on my Kindle just to suggest alternative paths to him. 
In all the characters so far...the only one I'm willing to allow myself to relate to is Kolya. He was the only one that wasn't doomed from the start. Maybe this is why I gravitate towards children's fiction. There's a measure of hope and potential in it that is lacking in adult books. I don't want to be doomed, I don't want to go with the current, and I don't want to ever ever ever just be swept away into a life not of my choosing. I fear this so much sometimes. And I don't want to be afraid. :(

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