Saturday, September 26, 2020


 Kill me Chess, why don't you? End me like you end my undefended pieces. End me like the queen ends me, when she has a little help from the knight. These be my notes so far:

1. GUARD AND DEFEND. Like omg. All my lost games are due to not guarding my pieces. Save me, John. I will die on this hill.

2. Restraint. It might look like a good move, but if the opp has a chance to take you out in one, then stop and guard.

3. Get the knight on g5 if you can, vv useful.

4. Pick correctly between captures if you have a choice of K v B.

5. No more Blitz till you finish 100 rapids atleast.

6. When the Q is out... why the fuck do you not look at what she can do? 

7. Play to defend and not blunder for the first 100 games, and see if there's some improvement.

8. Patience :( 

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