Saturday, December 23, 2017

The end of 2017

I wanted to write something that reflects on and ties up all my experiences this year, but where do I start?
2017 has been so good, so educational, so long!
So much has changed this year. A slow unfolding dynamic that started somewhere in 2016 and is taking shape now. 

Let me do a listicle on this one:

In 2017, I discovered that:
1. Effort is where the fun is at! Getting your hands dirty is a good way to find satisfaction.
2. Reading, and understanding new concepts is an aphrodisiac. 
3. A north star is what steadies you, especially in times of doubt.
4. Doing what is necessary is important, even if it is distasteful af.
5. Sometimes it's good to think less and do more
6. Keep the good ones close, let the bad eggs go. 
7. Acceptance is key. Things that were set in motion when you had no control over them, do not have to have power over you always.
8. Lovers, both new and old, teach you about a dimension of love. The joy of that discovery is one of the sweetest things ever.
9. Clarity and purpose comes from a strong and defined center, it's important to invest time developing that.
10. If all else fails, turn up the volume and daaaaance. :)

Hope 2018 turns out even better than this year! **grin**

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