Friday, September 8, 2017

Key questions that have started fucking with my mind!

As you enter the latter part of your 20's the whole 'let's drink here brooooo' lifestyle starts to take on an old feel. I got to a point where I was not only frustrated but also at a loss to understand why the accepted normal was just not cutting it. 
  1. What do I want to build in this lifetime? Family, excellence, providing value? Is there a point of intersection for all goals or should a primary one be the driver?
  2. If I died tomorrow, would I be happy?
  3. What kind of person do I want to spend my life with? 
  4. Do I want the responsibility of a family?
  5. How hard am I willing to work?
  6. How much responsibility am I willing to take on?
  7. Where am I feeling burdened, restricted, confined and limited?
  8. How can I change my life to feel competent, capable, expert and in charge (rather than burdened, etc.)?
  9. What skills have I developed through my life to date that I can put to work in the world?
  10. Am I still living out the "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" of someone else (parents, teacher, partners, etc.)? If so, how can I be truer to my inner essence?
  11. How, where, and to what, do I want to make an enduring commitment?
  12. If I view this as a time to lay a foundation, what is it I would like to build in the next six to seven years?

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