Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Girl: Sitting in a corner, slightly oblivious to her surroundings.

Friend: " What's up? Why the face? "

Girl: Straightening her expression, and giving an easy smile "What? Oh nothing! It's the heat, urgh. Too damn hot!" She gestures towards the sunny garden.

Friend: Frowning at her. "You've been moody for a while now."

Alleged Friend: " Yeah, you seem to zone out a lot more these days. I messaged you the other day as well, but you never responded." She starts to pout.

Girl slowly looks at AF: "Sorry, was busy I guess."

Acquaintance: "Guys! Why don't we go for a movie tonight? Something good must be out!"

Friend: "Are you sure?"

Acquaintance: "About the movie?"

Friend: "No, I'm asking her." Pointing towards the girl.

Girl: "Yeah bro! All good!", she grins.

AF: "Cool! So which movie did you guys want to go see?"

Acquaintance: "Anything is fine by me! Just no drama!"

AF: "Yeah me too! God I hate those! I wanna see something happy. Pick a comedy"

Acquaintance: Excited. "Cool! We can go watch some Hindi movies too! Those tend to be funny!"

AF: "Okay, I'm booking the next show. Let's head out now, and we can make it."

Acquaintance: "Awesome!"

Four of them start to straighten up and move towards the door. Friend links her arm with the Girl, and smiles at her. Girl looks at her for a moment, then smiles back - and softly shuts the door.

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