Thursday, April 21, 2016

Comfortable Spots

As a child I remember reading a story where a guy goes to get his wife/lover/someone back from Hades(?) and all along the way to the castle/underground lair there are whispers calling out to him, and if he looks back, he gets turned into stone (Fairly certain it's not exactly so - but well - something bad happens to people who do that.)

Anyway, the point is, I feel the whispers have a parallel in real life, and are things we now term 'comfort zones', 'sweet spots' etc. The cushy areas and instances of life where all ambition goes to hang itself. They are super seductive - calling you softly, keeping you safe, making you feel cared for like no other.

Such villainy! :|

Song for the night - Time Go | Hold Back The River | Blame It On Me

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