Sunday, February 4, 2018

Qualities I love

I have been thinking a lot lately about the qualities I appreciate in people, things that I admire the most:

Topmost would be: 
Concern. If someone cares for you, when the going gets tough, and manages to stick it out with you - they are worth keeping around. And worth doing your best for!
Everyone has battles to fight. Some of us have simultaneous ones. But if someone manages to give you a bit of their time while fighting theirs, they are worth their weight in gold.

Loyalty. This doesn't need an explanation.

Responsibility. It comes in many forms. Sometimes, it's just about taking charge of your self and your actions. 

The most precious quality to me though - is an ability to carry people forward. Not everything in life will be perfect all the time. Realizations don't come when the movies tell you they are supposed to come. But all it takes is one person to believe in you - and things magically change. Years ago, I had a teacher who believed, and her two kind words turned a potential loss into a complete win. It was a moment that is ingrained in my memory, because it told me how much I respond to someone's faith in me. 
People who can see who you are and who you can be and encourage you to flourish - are simply the best sort! 
I hope to be that person for someone someday, and I hope I find someone who does the same for me. :) 
Building a future with someone like that would be simply incredible! 

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