Friday, September 8, 2017

Brutal Honesty: An Experiment

In your private life: Call it like it is. Every single time. Let's see what happens.

A beautiful piece of writing

The story is centuries deep, endless like the desert. Where it opens like a mirage. It starts with the vision of wise men, who take the sand, the sea, the sun and weave a masterpiece they call home. They built forts against time, monuments for faith, for the future, where they fill the air with songs of joy, where they can welcome the world, and all its creations.They venture on journeys, full of twists and turns, towering heights and dizzying drops. To treasures of awe, and beauty. Passed down for generations. Waiting for You, to arrive!

Fuck. I Love. 


The Happiness Paradox

I read a whole bunch on theories on how to approach life. My friend introduced me to Stoicism, I had earlier experimented with acceptance, detachment, nihilism, existentialism, the whole gamut. But instinctively, none of them were quite right.
And then one day I realised, every theory out there is a by product of the experiences of the individual who proposed it. Unfortunately that person is not me. So while some experiences I have may find a mirror, the rest would not. Fail.
So basically we all create our own handbooks. That is uber cool. Being in the creative business I have observed that the role of creativity is to find solutions within the flux. There is noise, clutter and naysayers everywhere. Yet your role is to find that sweet spot that noone has yet discovered. This is applicable to life itself.
It isn't detachment or avoidance or any passive acceptance that makes me happy, its involvement, through and through. All of those other things can suck it. Action speaks louder, takes you places, helps you swim against the current, instead of allowing it to take you wherever. Wisdom is being able to determine the correct action for every situation.

So many experiences, so little time, so much joy. :D


Key questions that have started fucking with my mind!

As you enter the latter part of your 20's the whole 'let's drink here brooooo' lifestyle starts to take on an old feel. I got to a point where I was not only frustrated but also at a loss to understand why the accepted normal was just not cutting it. 
  1. What do I want to build in this lifetime? Family, excellence, providing value? Is there a point of intersection for all goals or should a primary one be the driver?
  2. If I died tomorrow, would I be happy?
  3. What kind of person do I want to spend my life with? 
  4. Do I want the responsibility of a family?
  5. How hard am I willing to work?
  6. How much responsibility am I willing to take on?
  7. Where am I feeling burdened, restricted, confined and limited?
  8. How can I change my life to feel competent, capable, expert and in charge (rather than burdened, etc.)?
  9. What skills have I developed through my life to date that I can put to work in the world?
  10. Am I still living out the "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" of someone else (parents, teacher, partners, etc.)? If so, how can I be truer to my inner essence?
  11. How, where, and to what, do I want to make an enduring commitment?
  12. If I view this as a time to lay a foundation, what is it I would like to build in the next six to seven years?