Wednesday, July 5, 2017

On Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is synonymous with “romance” in our culture today. It is seen as the love story in English-speaking culture, an emotional ideal to live up to. Yet when you really get down to what happens in the story, these kids are absolutely out of their fucking minds. And they just killed themselves to prove it! - Mark Manson

Finally. Someone who called it like it is!
I remember when I read Romeo and Juliet, and was left with a feeling of annoyance. So many people loved it, and it is about so much LOVE, how we can do ANYTHING for each other, and how no one can stand in the way of TRUE LOVE. 

What absolute bs. Like faak.

The only time Romeo and Juliet started to make sense was when I read an article about Shakespeare's perspective while writing it: It was supposed to be a satire. But holy shit we have distorted the meaning so much! All these books and movies on love that glorify the notion of unconditional love. What a load of hooey. Love is anything but unconditional. And thank god for that.

If it weren't, I'd have:

1. Wanted my ex lovers to put up with my bs. And me with theirs.
2. Let myself not leave equations which were clearly detrimental to my sanity. And theirs.
3. Decided not to change myself because hey, love means accept me as I am ffs.
4. Been miserable from 17 to now.

Because, in the short time that I have experienced love, I've realized that it's not easy to love someone all of the time. It takes work to separate self love from relationship love. It is hard to create boundaries that work. Sometimes your way of loving someone may be the last form of loving the object of your affection needs. 
It's ugly, it's messy and at times it fucks with your head in ways where you begin to question is it worth it at all? But then I look at a puppy or the boy I like and I'm like nahhh! Life without love is going to leave me with too much meaninglessness. I'd much rather strive to turn ugly into beautiful, and work on myself so you get the best of me, atleast most of the time. 

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