Friday, November 4, 2016

The purpose of purpose

H: Why the face?
S: (glumly) I'm confused.
H: About?
S: (eyes widening in anguish)About what to do. About The Purpose. My purpose.
H: Hmmm
S: It's just that... (confused) I keep searching you know. I've read read read and then read some more. Texts of all sort. Sciency, Spacey, Philosophy, things to do with chi. I am not sure what or why, I feel like I'm waiting for the alignment of all things to occur at some point. I am afraid to stop searching. In fact, I am not even sure of how I would be able to. No one sees my search, it means nothing to anyone else. In fact, most people would just scoff at me. They think I am wasting time, whiling away time. But that's not true.
H: I guess most people just get along with their day. So much searching leaves no time for action, you know.
S: (opens mouth)
H: Uhh huh! Let me speak... Maybe it's time to pick something and just do. Idleness may not lead to results.
S: Where do I start? 
H: Anywhere, pick a point.
S: What if it's wrong?
H: You will find that out eventually.
S: But...
H: But what? It's also a form of a search. So you aren't stopping.
S: I guess you are right.
H: (grins) Yeah, I usually am.
S: (starts to smile) Whatevs. 

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